Why does Rev Church Exist?
Birthed out of the Fire & Glory Outpouring, where over 1800 nights of extended revival have powered a movement of transformation across the globe including millions saved, healed, and delivered, Rev Church exists to bring a revelation of Jesus that produces a reverence for God and revival in lives to bring about a revolution that would change the world.
Our primary focus is to unveil the transformative and redemptive nature of Jesus Christ, encouraging a deep understanding of His teachings, love, and grace, guiding individuals towards a deeper relationship with the Savior.
We strive to cultivate a culture of the fear of the Lord and awe for the divine, emphasizing the importance of worship, prayer, and a sincere connection with God in all aspects of our church community, fostering a sense of humility and awareness of God’s holy presencein our journey of faith.
We live in a day where it has become obvious that religion, political parties, nor the greatest of man’s wisdom and riches can make the world a better place. We need to be reborn. We need to be renewed. We need revival.
By encouraging a revolutionary mindset that seeks justice, compassion, and transformation in the world, we aim to inspire our members to actively contribute to making a lasting impact in their communities and beyond. Jesus changed the world for eternity and so should His disciples.
Statement of Faith
While encouraging the discovery of individuals’ personal relationship with God and unique expressions of identity in Christ, these foundational truths serve as our collective anchor, fostering a united journey of faith and empowering each member to creatively transform the world in alignment with the Word and Spirit of God.
We affirm the doctrine of the Trinity, acknowledging the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as coexistent, coeternal, and equally divine persons, expressing the profound mystery of our one true God in three distinct entities.
We believe in the divine inspiration and inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures, recognizing the Bible as the authoritative and infallible Word of God, serving as the ultimate guide for faith, doctrine, and righteous living.
We embrace salvation by grace alone, understanding that faith in Jesus Christ is the exclusive means by which individuals receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life, acknowledging the unmerited favor and love of God extended to all who believe.
We affirm the absolute deity of Jesus Christ, acknowledging Him as the Son of God, fully God and fully man, who through His sacrificial death and resurrection, provides redemption and reconciliation for humanity.
We believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit as a distinct experience subsequent to salvation, empowering believers with spiritual gifts and enabling a dynamic and transformative relationship with God.
We acknowledge and eagerly pursue the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer, including but not limited to prophecy, healing, and speaking in tongues, for the edification of the individual and the body of Christ.
We affirm the ministry of healing and miracles, recognizing God's power to restore physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through prayer, faith, and the laying on of hands, as demonstrated throughout the Scriptures.
Jerame & Miranda Nelson
Senior Leaders
Jerame and Miranda Nelson are cofounders of Elisha Revolution and Rev Church SD. Together, they have ministered in over 60 nations and won over 3 million people to Christ. From their evangelistic and healing campaigns in unreached or minimally reached regions of the world, they have helped to establish churches in Africa and Asia. Jerame and Miranda are based in San Diego, California where they have hosted 8+ years of revival meetings, put on conferences, and co-lead Rev Church.
Jerame Nelson is founder of Elisha Revolution. He is a prophetic revivalist, international conference speaker, author, and healing evangelist to the nations. Moving in a strong prophetic anointing and word of knowledge gifting, Jerame sees countless lives changed and people healed by the power of the Spirit. It is Jerame's passion to equip the body of Christ in hearing God's voice and walking out the supernatural power of God in everyday life through the lifestyle of intimacy and obedience to the Holy Spirit. Jerame and his wife, Miranda, live in San Diego, California where they have cohosted 8+ years of the Fire & Glory Outpouring which birthed Rev Church SD, a Spirit-filled church the Nelsons co-pastor.
Miranda Nelson is a prophetic revivalist, evangelistic preacher, and teacher of the Word. Carrying pentecostal fire, Miranda boldly preaches holiness and demonstrates the Kingdom of God through the gifts of the Spirit. Healings, miracles, and prophecy often occur in her ministry. With bachelor’s and master’s degrees in theological studies, Miranda is passionate about true discipleship and seeing right doctrine embedded into the fabric of the church. She desires to see a generation sold out to Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit to walk in purity and power. Compelled by the gospel mandate and moved by a missional heart, Miranda loves witnessing in dark nations and showing compassion to the poor. Miranda and her husband, Jerame, have won many to Christ through mass evangelism while also cohosting 8+ years of protracted revival meetings in San Diego, California where they live. Together they founded and co-pastor Rev Church SD.
Our Team
Andrew Hopkins
Teaching Pastor / Worship Director
Jake & Joanna Haynes
Youth Pastors
Molly McElwee
Media Pastor / Worship Leader